Blessing Empowerment of Buddha White Tara
with Gen Kelsang Jindak
Sat, Mar 1: 10:30 am – 4:30 pm
White Tara is a female enlightened being whose function is to bestow long life, wisdom and good fortune. These oppose our three main obstacles to a meaningful life – a short life, ignorance, and little merit.
If we rely upon her with faith, she will protect us from contagious diseases, the dangers of fire, and other disasters, as well as from untimely death. Ultimately she will guide us to the deathless state of Buddhahood.
She particularly helps us to overcome our ignorance by teaching ultimate truth, the way things really are, which leads us directly to permanent liberation from suffering and the lasting pure peace of full enlightenment.
We will also learn and be guided through “The Yoga of Buddha White Tara”, a very blessed meditation practice that will bring us good fortune and help us pacify obstacles to a long and happy life.
What is an Empowerment?
An empowerment is a special transmission of insight and experience – a beautiful guided meditation during which we receive the blessings of a particular Buddha and make a personal connection. We can become confident in own potential for inner peace, positive energy, inspiration, and authentic joy.
10:30 am – 11 am Registration & Refreshments
11am – 12:45 pm Empowerment
Vegetarian lunch provided
1:45 pm – 3:15 pm Commentary
3:45 pm – 4:30 pm Guided Yoga of White Tara chanted prayers
$65 ($55 by Feb 27)
Standard & Plus members: $50 ($40 by Feb 27)
(vegetarian lunch included)
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