Wisdom Empowerment

blessing empowerment of Buddha Manjushri with Gen Kelsang Jindak
Saturday, November 23 10:30am-5pm

During this empowerment, we will receive the special blessings of Buddha Manjushri, who is the manifestation of the enlightened wisdom of all Buddhas. Through receiving this empowerment we have the opportunity to make a close connection with this enlightened being and thereby increase our own wisdom greatly.

When wisdom is in our hearts, our mind is very clear, confident, and free from disturbing thoughts. Wisdom gives us clarity and insight and, like an inner spiritual guide, helps us to act thoughtfully, skillfully, and meaningfully in daily life. Since all our negative minds are based upon the opposite of wisdom – confusion – everyone needs to develop wisdom.

By engaging sincerely in the meditation practices of Manjushri we will definitely improve our Dharma wisdom, and eventually attain the ultimate peace of full enlightenment.

What is an Empowerment?

An empowerment is a special transmission of insight and experience – a beautiful guided meditation during which we receive the blessings of a particular Buddha and make a personal connection. We can become confident in own potential for inner peace, positive energy, inspiration, and authentic joy.


10:30am-11am Registration & Refreshments
11am-12:45pm Empowerment
Vegetarian lunch provided
1:45pm -3:15pm Commentary
3:45-5pm Guided Treasury of Wisdom chanted prayers

$65 ($55 by November 21 includes a vegetarian lunch
Standard & Plus members: $50 ($40 by November 21)

Gen Kelsang Jindak is the Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Center Fort Lauderdale. She has been a disciple of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for over 25 years. Gen Jindak has a clear, joyful teaching style and presents Kadampa Buddhism practically, for both beginners and experienced meditators alike.

Registration Policy

If you cancel 24 hours prior to the start of the event we will refund all except 25%. If you cancel on, or after, the event, no refunds are given. Exceptions may be made in circumstances such as sickness or bereavement; you should apply by e-mail to adkmcfortl@gmail.com within 2 weeks of the end of the Event. Any non-refunded fees arising from cancellations are donated to the NKT-IKBU International Temples Project.

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