The Foundation Program
Classes taught by our Resident Teacher Gen Jindak
Tuesdays, 7 pm – 9 pm (1x/week attendance commitment)
The Foundation Program provides an opportunity to deepen our understanding and experience of Buddhism through systematic study. Each class will cover an assigned number of pages from the book, with an emphasis on practical application. When you join, you are agreeing to attend every class scheduled — this is not a drop in program.
If you are interested in joining the Foundation Program please contact our Resident Teacher to discuss.
We are currently studying:
Meaningful To Behold: Becoming a Friend of the World
Many people have the compassionate wish to benefit others, but few understand how to accomplish this successfully in daily life. Bodhisattvas are friends of the world who have such strong compassion that they are able to transform all their daily activities into ways of benefiting others.
The path of the Bodhisattva was exquisitely explained in the universally loved poem Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life by the 8th century master Shantideva. With this commentary, Meaningful to Behold, Venerable Geshe-la reveals the full effectiveness and profundity of this wonderful poem and explains how it is applicable for our time. This practical handbook is essential for those wishing to follow a way of life characterized by greater empathy and compassion for others. It reveals — with poetic beauty and deep spiritual insight — how to enter, make progress on, and complete the Buddhist path to enlightenment.
Anyone may enroll in this program for the study of this book.
Topics include preparing for meditation and all the practices of a Bodhisattva — giving, moral discipline, patience, effort, concentration and wisdom. If you enroll, then you should have the intention to complete the book for which you have joined. This book, Meaningful to Behold, will take several years to complete.
FP Commitments
• To attend every class, unless there is a valid health, family, or work-related reason for missing.
• To apply effort to memorize the condensed meaning of the book or section.
• To prepare for and take the examination at the end of the book or section.
• To attend at least one GP class or puja (such as Heart Jewel) at the center each week.
Cost: $65/month — includes FP classes & unlimited GP classes, as well as discounts on many weekend retreats and workshops.