KMC Fort Lauderdale is run by volunteers.
Care to join us?

Everyone is welcome to volunteer! You don’t need a special skill or experience. We have many volunteer opportunities which can be undertaken by anyone without training, or minimal training. If you do however have a special skill you’d like to contribute, please let us know.

Volunteer Spotlight

Jan is an awesome volunteer and a natural ambassador for KMC Fort Lauderdale!  Her outgoing and friendly nature makes everyone feel at home right away, especially first-time visitors. Her joy, enthusiasm and laughter are contagious and result in many new friendships both for herself and for the Center.

I volunteer because I love it here. This place means so much to me.  I always have a smile when I am here. I want people to know that it helped me during very difficult times. ”   ~ Jan

Thanks for all you do, Jan!!!

You can volunteer in many ways.
We love to practice giving!

Class Assistant Volunteers

Check-in desk assistants
Greeters and announcement makers
Sound desk assistants

Shrine Volunteers

Making the daily water offerings
Providing or sponsoring puja offerings
General cleaning of meditation hall

Hospitality Volunteers

Donate cooking or sponsor meals & snacks
Prep coffee, snacks and food
Clean kitchen and trash disposal
Clean community room and bathrooms

Marketing Volunteers

Graphic design
Social media
Website design and maintenance
Flyer distribution in your local area

Admin. Volunteers

Accounting and banking assistance
Bookstore assistants


Painting, gardening, cleaning windows, etc.
Specialty services – plumbing, electricity, etc.

Count me in!
What do I do next?

You can use our contact form to provide the following information –– or speak with one of the volunteers during your next visit.

1  –  Name & Contact Info
2  –  Areas of Interest
3  –  General Availability

Here are just a few volunteers in action.
Are they not cool!?

Volunteer Spotlight.
KMC FTL volunteer rock stars!

Thanks for all you do Maria!

Maria is an awesome volunteer! In addition to her behind-the-scenes work in social media and bookkeeping, she also shows her creative and beautiful mind through making lovely torma offerings and ritual preparations. KMC Fort Lauderdale is so much richer and stronger with Maria on the volunteer team.

The dharma center is my safe place. No matter what happens in life, if I’m attending or not, I know when I come I will always be received by someone’s kindness and that comforts me. It is the nourishing and caring of a mother that always makes you feel good and protected. I thank KMC Fort Lauderdale Center for the opportunity to give, purify negativities and set out basis for a better future life.    ~ Maria
Thanks for all you do Mitch!

Mitch is one of our most active volunteers and is always happy to help out with whatever needs to be done. He combines his enthusiasm with a friendly heart towards everyone whether they are a long-time member or a brand-new person.

Volunteering is my gift to help the center. And I gather the abundance of virtue. I love the opportunity to make offerings; it is precious to me to be in the presence of the Buddhas and to get their blessings.   ~ Mitch