Sundays:  11 am – 12:30 pm

Guided meditation and teachings with Gen Jindak
The Power of a Positive Mind

An extraordinary potential for peace, happiness and goodness exists within all of us. Through meditation practice we can begin to recognize and awaken this potential. However sometimes we experience inner obstacles that interfere with our spiritual practices, such as self-doubt, bad habits and discouragement. In this series Gen Jindak will share practical advice and encouragement that will give us confidence to overcome our obstacles and make extraordinary changes in our life.

All drop-in meditation classes are free for monthly supporting members.

(Already have an account? Log in before booking.)

How to Understand Our Mind (Oct 6 – Nov 24)

When we see our feelings and thoughts and all the attitudes of our mind as limited, when we hold onto these, we are trapped in a painful experience. Buddha teaches that our mind is the creator of our experience; so it is the key determining factor in whether we are happy or unhappy.

Through learning to understand our mind, we can replace limited attitudes and unhelpful ways of thinking with ones that are the nature of peace. We can gain a personal understanding of how our mind creates our reality: and with this confidence we can start to bring about limitless change.

Suggested reading: How to Understand the Mind

Gen Kelsang Jindak

Gen Jindak has been a disciple of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for over 20 years. Ordained as a Buddhist nun in 2003, she was given the name Kelsang Jindak, which means “Fortunate Benefactor”. She has many years of experience teaching and volunteering at Kadampa Centers around the U.S. Gen Jindak has a clear, joyful teaching style and presents Kadampa Buddhism practically, for both beginners and experienced meditators alike.

Registration Policy

If you cancel 24 hours prior to the start of the event we will refund all except 25%. If you cancel on, or after, the event, no refunds are given. Exceptions may be made in circumstances such as sickness or bereavement; you should apply by e-mail to within 2 weeks of the end of the Event. Any non-refunded fees arising from cancellations are donated to the NKT-IKBU International Temples Project.

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