Wednesdays:  12 pm – 1 pm

Guided meditation and teachings with modern Buddhist teacher Frank Deleo
Meditations to Make Our Life Happy and Meaningful

This series is a practical guide to meditation that teaches us how to develop inner peace and make our lives more meaningful. Without inner peace there is no real happiness at all. Problems, suffering and unhappiness do not exist outside the mind; they are feelings and thus part of our mind. Therefore, it is only by controlling our mind that we can permanently stop our problems and make ourself and others truly happy. Suggested Reading: New Meditation Handbook

All drop-in meditation classes are free for monthly supporting members.

(Already have an account? Log in before booking.)

Letting Go of Negativity (Oct 2 – Nov 27)

Our negative states of mind, such as uncontrolled desire and anger, create endless problems for ourselves and others, and prevent us from fulfilling our deepest wishes. These meditations help us overcome the problem of anger, and how to develop and maintain patience when faced with even the most difficult circumstances. Recommended reading: How to Solve Our Human Problems

Frank DeLeo

Frank has practiced meditation and Kadampa Buddhism since 2009, studies in our Foundation Program, and has attended many Kadampa festivals and retreats over the years. He’s appreciated for giving practical teachings with real-life examples, and teaches with warmth and enthusiasm.

Registration Policy

If you cancel 24 hours prior to the start of the event we will refund all except 25%. If you cancel on, or after, the event, no refunds are given. Exceptions may be made in circumstances such as sickness or bereavement; you should apply by e-mail to within 2 weeks of the end of the Event. Any non-refunded fees arising from cancellations are donated to the NKT-IKBU International Temples Project.

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